How to Get Rid of Foxes in Your Backyard: 4 Effective Strategies

how to get rid of foxes in your backyard


Do you have a fox problem? If so, you’re not alone. Foxes are becoming increasingly common in urban and suburban areas, and they can be a real nuisance. Not only they might be destructive, but they can also be dangerous to both people and pets. 

In this blog post, we will discuss how to get rid of foxes in your backyard using a variety of effective strategies. So read on for tips and tricks that will help you take back your yard!

How To Identify If You Have a Fox Problem

If you’re not sure if you have a fox problem, there are a few things to look for. Foxes are typically active at night, so if you’re seeing evidence of activity during the day, it’s likely that you have a fox problem. 

how to get rid of foxes in your backyard

Foxes are also known for their distinctive howl, which can be heard from a distance. In addition, foxes can be destructive and may damage gardens, lawns, and trash cans. If you’re noticing any of these signs, it’s likely that you have a fox problem and should take action.

The Dangers of Foxes

Foxes can be dangerous to both people and pets. In addition, they can carry diseases that can be harmful to humans and animals. For these reasons, it is important to take action to get rid of foxes in your backyard if you have a problem.

The Best Way How To Get Rid of Foxes in Your Backyard

There are a few different ways that you can get rid of foxes. One option is to use traps, which can be baited with food or other attractants. Another option is to use repellents, which will help keep foxes away from your property. Finally, you can also hire a professional wildlife control company to remove the foxes for you.

how to get rid of foxes in your backyard

We recommend you to try utilizing repellents first, as we don’t want to harm them just because they are curious and hungry beings!

How To Get Rid of Foxes Using Repellents

There are a few different types of fox repellents that you can use. One option is to use a physical barrier, such as a fence or netting. Another option is to use a chemical repellent, which will keep foxes away from your property. Finally, you can also use an electronic repellent, which will emit a noise or vibration that will scare foxes away.

We recommend using a physical barrier combined with a chemical repellent for the best results. You can find both of these products at your local hardware store or garden center. Be sure to follow the instructions carefully when using them, and reapply as necessary.

If you have a fox problem, don’t hesitate to take action. Use the tips and tricks in this blog post to get rid of foxes in your backyard using a variety of effective strategies. With a little bit of effort, you can take back your yard and keep it fox-free!

Chemical Repellent – How To Apply It 

When using a chemical repellent, always be sure to read the instructions carefully and follow them closely. In most cases, you will need to apply the repellent directly to the area where you are seeing fox activity. 

how to get rid of foxes in your backyard

Be sure to avoid contact with the repellent, and do not apply it to areas where pets or children might come into contact with it. Reapply as necessary, depending on how severe your fox problem is. With a little bit of effort, you can keep foxes away from your property and take back your yard!

Physical Barrier – How To Build One 

When building a physical barrier, be sure to use materials that foxes cannot easily climb or jump over. A fence is a good option, as is netting or wire. If you are using a fence, be sure to make it at least six feet high and make sure there are no gaps or openings where foxes can get through. 

If you are using netting or wire, be sure to install it at least 12 inches off the ground and bury it in the ground so that foxes cannot dig underneath it.

If you are having trouble keeping foxes out of your yard, think about hiring a professional wildlife control company to help you. They will have the expertise and experience necessary to get the job done right.

Electronic Repellent – How It Works 

An electronic repellent emits a noise or vibration that will scare foxes away. They are a good option for people who want to keep foxes away from their property but do not want to use a physical barrier or chemical repellent.

To use an electronic repellent, place it in an area where you are seeing the most fox activity. The repellent should be close to the ground and facing the direction of the foxes. Be sure to keep it out of reach of children and pets.

Professional Wildlife Control Company 

If you are having trouble getting rid of foxes on your own, consider hiring a professional wildlife control company. They will be able to install physical barriers, use repellents, and remove foxes from your property.

how to get rid of foxes in your backyard

Be sure to research different companies before hiring one, and ask for references from past clients. This is the best way to ensure you are hiring a reputable company that will get the job done right.

How To Prevent Foxes From Returning

Once you’ve gotten rid of the foxes, it’s important to take steps to prevent them from returning. First, make sure that all food and attractants are removed from your property. Next, seal up any holes or gaps in your fence or other structures. 

Finally, you can install a motion-activated sprinkler system, which will help deter foxes from returning to your property while bringing some refreshment to your garden!

Remembering the Tips for How To Get Rid of Foxes In Your Backyard

What would you do if someone liked you and you wanted them to stay away from you? You would make yourself less attractive! You can try the same idea by transforming your yard in ways that are less attractive to foxes by doing the following:

– Remove any food sources, such as pet food, bird feeders, and trash cans. Remember to make it less appealing!

– Remove any places where they can hide, such as dense bushes or stacks of wood by trimming back any shrubs or trees that provide cover for foxes. 

– Install a fence around your property to keep foxes out as we suggested in the previous section of this blog post.

– Place electronic repellents in areas where you are seeing the most fox activity to scare them away by using noise or vibration.

how to get rid of foxes in your backyard

This way, you can encourage them to find a new place to live. This is an effective way to get rid of foxes without having to use any chemicals or repellents. Don’t forget that one of the most effective ways to get rid of foxes is to remove their food source. If you have a lot of garbage or pet food left out, this will attract foxes. 

Make sure to keep your garbage cans securely lidded and pick up any fallen fruit from trees. You should also bring pet food inside at night. If you do these things, foxes will be less likely to come around looking for a meal.

If these steps won’t work, then you can try investing in chemical repellents and placing them directly in the area where you are observing fox activity, as well as getting in touch with a wildlife professional.

We hope now you know all the effective strategies to get rid of the lovely foxes in your beautiful backyard! If you liked this blog post, be sure to check out our other blog posts. We write about a variety of topics related to gardening, pest control, and more. Thanks for reading!